"There was an instant connection..."

"My husband and I traveled to Maui for the first time seven years ago and while there stumbled upon a gallery in Lahaina where we first fell in love with Pamela’s work. Last December, we had the opportunity to visit the gallery again and it was there we fell in love with a beautiful piece by Pamela called Loving Vincent - and I am humbled to say that it now lives with us here in Vancouver, BC. I will forever be grateful that Pamela happened to be there for the start of her show. What a thrill to spend time with her, learn more about her personal story and the inspiration behind Loving Vincent. There was an instant connection that I am not sure I can explain fully, except to say that there is this wholeheartedness about Pamela and sharing in her artist journey is one that brings you immediate joy. Thank you Pamela, for putting so much of you into your art. I am filled with gratitude."
- Stephanie, Jeff, Maddy and Josh
See more from this Loving Vincent Collection HERE.