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Arboretum Show Recap

University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum – Sept through Nov, 2022

ArtTalk with Wendy DePaolis and Pamela

A Celebratory Recap

It is the mission of the Reedy Gallery to connect people more deeply into nature through art and it was such an honor to be selected for this exhibition as well as this unique format Art Talk with curator Wendy DePaolis (link to record ArtTalk below).

This show titled “Hymns to Nature”, which featured 50 pieces of my work that spanned many years, honored that sense of joy beyond comprehension that we can access when in communion with nature’s glory.

I am deeply grateful for Wendy, the team at Reedy Gallery, and the thousands of visitors that came through the gallery this fall to see the work. It is my sincere hope that my work, embedded in a love of nature’s innate wisdom and our shared humanity, shined a light brighter into the hearts of all that came to immerse themselves in this remarkable environment where art, nature, beauty, and life all come together so seamlessly.

For those of you unable to attend that would like to get a taste of the ArtTalk and show, we’ve provided a link below for you to watch the Talk recorded live from the event.

Wendy DePaolis

Curator Art and Sculpture, Reedy Gallery, University of Minnnesota Arboretum

"My mission at the Arboretum, to connect visitors more deeply to nature through art, is epitomized through Sukhum's work. Her canvases pull in the viewer, allowing them to become immersed and connected to nature in a wholly unique way."

Watch the entire Art Talk with curator Wendy and Pamela below here:


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